Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Guesses for Baby #2

I found a cool website today where friends and family can enter guesses for when babies will make their grand entrance, as well as how big they'll be. Too bad there's no field to guess what his name will be. ;)

Feel free to take a guess as to when Lando will be here!


For the record, Will was three days early, 9 lbs 2 oz, 21.5" long.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Will's new favorite playroom

Will's discovered the joys of playing in the bathroom unsupervised. You can imagine this doesn't make for a very happy mommy for numerous reasons. A few days ago I found him in there rubbing hand soap and lotion all over the counter, and I think he ate some soap. Nice. The next day he came up to me complaining he couldn't reach the soap. Glad we moved it back further!

Last night I was getting stuff together to go scrapbook with my friend Cindy, and when I got downstairs it was too quiet for a house with a crazed toddler. I asked John where Will was and he said the toy room. Nope. I called for Will and he said he was in the bathroom. Utter chaos met my eyes when I opened the door. He had gotten two tubes of sunscreen out from under the sink and had squirted it either in the sink or on himself. The plunger was standing up in the toilet, and I don't remember what else was awry. I had to start laughing to keep from ringing my kid's neck (just kidding there...I wouldn't really ever do that), and then I went and grabbed the camera. I was in too much of a hurry to change the settings on my camera, so the pictures are a little blurry. Needless to say, Will could have safely hung out in the sun for quite awhile. ;)

I warned John as I left that if he didn't hear Will make noise for five minutes, go check on him.


It's still ridiculously hot here in AZ (fall...fall...where are you?), but Will and I braved the heat one afternoon to go play outside. It breaks my heart that he wants to play outside so badly but it's just too darn hot to sit out there unless we go out early in the morning or after dinner. He spotted his bubble tiger on top of the fridge when we were getting ready to go out, so we took that out with us. This kid sure loves bubbles!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Walking With Dinosaurs

We went and saw the "Walking With Dinosaurs" show today with some friends from MOMS Club. It was amazing!! The dinosaurs were life-sized and animatronic, so they walked around, interacted with the other dinosaurs, etc. If it comes to where you live, it's totally worth seeing! I hope these pictures come through okay, Picasa changed its format and I can't find how to make a nice link to the album. So a slideshow it is. Actually here's the link to the album if you want it:


And here's the slideshow:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thanks, Doo!!

When we were at Babies R Us registering last week, we went to one that also has a Toys R Us in it. My friend Jen was buying some new toys for her son Connor, so we went and checked out the Thomas the Train toys for Will. We started a sleeping chart for him when he got his big boy bed, and he's almost done with it which means he gets a toy of his choice. The one thing he pointed out he wanted was a $50 suspension bridge. A similar one that was $15 wasn't good enough...he obvioulsy inherited my "I think I'll choose the most expensive item" mentality. Great. (Note heavy sarcasm.)

Anyway, I told him we'd wait until we finished his chart, then later I told my mom about it. She in turn told my brother who decided he'd get it for Will since he recently gave up his pacifier (Will, not Ryan). He found it for cheaper online and ordered it. It arrived today, and Will was so excited to have a package to open! John had told him it was something for me, so when I told him it was actually for him he said, "It's for me?! Not you, mommy?" :)

I took a video of him playing with it after he opened it. Once he got it out of the shipping box he shouted, "THANK YOU, DOO!!" (Doo is what he calls my bro, in case you couldn't piece that together on your own.)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Will had his first visit to the dentist on Tuesday. The dentist was really impressed with his teeth, she said I wouldn't believe the number of kids his age she sees that already have multiple cavities because they drink nothing but soda or juice or chocolate milk. I said Will doesn't like juice so he usually only drinks water or milk and chocolate milk is a big treat for him. All they did was clean his teeth and do a fluoride treatment, she said they don't do x-rays until the kids are around four. Will was totally excited at the end because he got a toy and a toothbrush. He was such a good boy while we were there, I was so proud of him!

I forgot to take a picture of him in the dentist chair (actually he didn't even sit in it, they have kids his age sit on their parents' lap so they aren't scared), but I did take one of him in the waiting room when we got there.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pregnancy Update

Just thought I'd post an update for those of you that aren't here in AZ to get all the latest Pregnant Claire news. As of tomorrow I'll be 29 weeks--only 11 left to go! I try not to think about that too much or I'll freak out. We're about 98% sure what his name will be. Now we're just trying to throw it around in everyday use to make sure we like it. And in the interim, we're still calling him Lando. TRUST ME that's not what his name is going to be!

I had an OB appointment today and they did a glucose test to see if I have gestational diabetes. Not sure when I get the results, but I think it will be okay. Lando's heart beat sounded good (Will loves getting to hear baby brother's heart beat...he'll do a good imitation of it if you ask him), and I'm measuring right on target.

I FINALLY finished painting the baby's room last week. Only took me a little under two months, but it looks awesome. I'm so glad I stuck with the stripes (thanks for the encouragement, Jen B!), now I just need to figure out how the room should be laid out, and John needs to figure out how to remove a stripped screw so we can get the crib set up. I'll post some pictures once we have it all ready. If you'll be at our house at any point over the next 11 weeks, chances are good I will force you to see the room, and you'd better say something nice about the stripes! :) Blood, sweat, and tears went in to getting those things done. Okay, maybe not blood but definitely sweat and tears.

I tried to take a belly pic today to post, but the color of my shirt blends in with the paint in Will's bathroom, so you couldn't really see the size of my belly. My bathroom is a mess, so I can't go in there to do it because no one needs to see the state of my bathroom right now. And I don't really want to take the camera downstairs only to come back up here again. So here's a picture from last week:


ETA: I was wearing a snugger fitting shirt today and took another pic. My friend Jen A. says I look much more pregnant in real life than in the above picture, so maybe this one will be truer (more true?).

(It's hard to have a genuine smile when you're trying to take your own picture!)