Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Will and chopsticks

We were at Chandler Mall a couple weeks ago with my mom and aunt and had lunch at Kona Grill. The waiter brought Will some chopsticks to use for his chicken nuggets. He really liked them! I had planned on bringing them home, but the busboy took it before I had a chance to stick them in the diaper bag.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Miles' Half Birthday

Miles turned six months old last week...can you believe it?! Me neither. We had a half birthday celebration for him at my mom's house on Saturday night. When Will turned six months old I made him a "half" cake...two round cakes cut in half and layered. I made the same thing for Miles. He didn't get to have any, but he sure tried to get it when John showed it to him. :)

My kitchen helper

Will loves to help me in the kitchen, and I try to include him whenever I can. He likes to taste each ingredient we put into things which I think is pretty cool. A lot of times he can't help with dinner because I'm working on the stove or cutting up raw meat or something else that's dangerous for a three year old, but recently we had lentil burritos for dinner, and once the rice and lentils were cooked he helped me stir everything together. John took a picture of us cooking together. :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Trip to Carlsbad

The boys and I spent a week in Carlsbad (north of San Diego) with my mom and my friend Jen and her son Connor. My brother flew down for the weekend as well. It was a really fun trip. We love being at the ocean!! Here's a recap of our week there:

Sunday: We drove over with Jen and Connor on Mother's Day. The drive was pretty uneventful except for Will and Connor acting like crazy bobos for most of the ride. It definitely made for a long six hours. Miles did really well on the drive, except that the heater was on in the back of Jen's van instead of the a/c so the poor little guy got super hot. :( We were really glad to get there, and my mom had pizza (and wine!) waiting for us.

Monday: Monday morning we took the boys to a U-Pick strawberry field. They had a great time picking strawberries and eating as many as they could off the plants while we were there. Jen said that when I had suggested we do that she didn't really know what to think, but she had a good time. The strawberries were amazing--so much better than anything we can buy in the grocery store here. When we got back to the condo we took the boys swimming. It really wasn't all that warm out, but the pool was heated, so it wasn't too bad. While my mom was making dinner Jen and I took Will and Connor over to the beach. It ended up being a really rocky beach, but the boys didn't mind because they just threw rocks in the ocean. Will would get his feet in the water and fell down a couple times when a small wave would roll in, but then he'd stand up and keep throwing rocks. One wave came in and he was having a hard time standing up, so I was going to help him up when the wave hit him from the back and his face ended up in the water. He still couldn't stand up and his head kept ending up in the water. I went into mommy panic mode and got over there as fast as I could (Jen said it was like everything was in slow motion) and pulled him up. I lost our point and shoot camera in the process (it fell out of my pocket and landed in the water), but at least Will was safe. He didn't seem too shaken up by it (I was definitely more distraught than he was!) and asked why we were leaving after that. Sheesh!

Tuesday: On Tuesday we headed south a bit to La Jolla to the Birch Aquarium. It was kind of small but the boys had fun seeing all the fish and getting to touch different sea animals in the tide pools.

Wednesday: Wednesday was our beach day. We almost didn't go because it's so much work to get everything packed up to take to the beach, but we decided the boys would like it. The resort had wagons you could borrow, so we got one of those to haul everything from the cars to the beach. We ended up having a really good time and being there for several hours. Will and Connor loved digging in the sand--although they had to each be reminded a couple times to not throw sand. Will didn't want to go in the ocean at all after Monday's incident, but he has always been kind of hesitant about going in the ocean. I took Miles' Bumbo seat along, and he loved sitting in it and putting his hands in the sand. We hadn't thought to take any lunch with us, so my mom ran out and got some fast food for us. It was so fun having a picnic on the beach.

Thursday: On Monday morning we had gone to a "welcome to the resort" breakfast, and my mom ended up winning four tickets to Legoland as a raffle prize. Jen and our friend Laura and I had gone to San Diego last year and took the kids to Legoland, and we had decided it wasn't worth it again this year, but for free it would be fine. The kids had a GREAT time. It's aimed at young kids, I think through 12 years old or something like that, so they could go on a lot of the rides. We took the boys' swimsuits along because there was a splash pad area, so they had fun running around there. Will's favorite part was getting his picture taken with a Lego Darth Vader. :) We ended up being there for more than six hours! We were all pretty worn out when we left. Thursday night Ryan arrived, but he got in really late.

Friday: Jen and Connor headed back to Phoenix on Friday morning. My mom, Ryan, and I sat around for awhile trying to figure out what to do. We ended up deciding on the San Diego Zoo. We ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant downtown that one of Ryan's friends had recommended and then went to the zoo. We had been before, but my mom thought I was in fourth or fifth grade when we were there. We got off to a rocky start because we couldn't figure out how to get to the tigers, but once we figured it out, we had a great time. There were so many amazing animals there that we don't have at our zoo in Phoenix. The viewing areas of the animals were cool, too. A lot of them had glass between the animals and us, so we were able to be a lot closer to them then at our zoo. We saw gorillas, orangutans (Will's favorite animal at our zoo), tigers, a hippopotamus, panda bears, brown bears, koala bears, polar bears, peacocks, giraffes, rhinos. I don't even remember what else. It was definitely cool! Will came home with a stuffed hippopotamus courtesy of Uncle Ryan. He named him Hippopotamus Larry. :)

Saturday: Saturday we headed north to Knott's Berry Farm. My mom had found cheap tickets online, so we thought it would be fun. Will wasn't that into it. I think he was pretty tired from having been on the go the few previous days without getting much in the way of naps. He went on a few rides and had fun, and he, Ryan, and my mom watched a wild west stunt show while I fed Miles. The park was really crowded because there was a gospel music festival going on there, so it was hard to navigate and the lines were really long for everything. Someone said the line for one of the roller coasters was three hours! No thanks!!

Sunday: We all had to head home on Sunday. Ryan's flight back to Seattle left in the early afternoon, so we went to brunch at a restaurant on the water in San Diego that ended up being really close to the airport. It was good but not as good as the Ivar's brunch we have in Seattle. The one benefit was the buffet had king crab legs. Lordy mama, I just about ate my weight in king crab legs and bacon. It was awesome. We dropped Ryan off at the airport and then parked at a marina nearby so I could feed Miles before heading back to Phoenix. I called John to tell him we were heading home soon, and he said it was 108 here. My mom and I thought about staying another day because it was GORGEOUS in San Diego--sunny and temperatures in the low 70s. But, we had to face it sooner or later.

Here are the pictures from our trip (except the point and shoot that had its fateful end in the ocean, I still need to get those off the memory card):
