Tuesday, July 28, 2009


We got information in the mail yesterday for Will's preschool. I'm really excited about the school we found for him. His first day is August 13th, but earlier that week the school has a new family BBQ (which we'll miss because it's the day we get home from my cousin's wedding) and an ice cream social. We will be getting a call soon from Will's teacher to meet her before school starts...all teachers meet with the student and family for 30-45 minutes to get to know the child and find out parental expectations and so the child is more comfortable with the teacher. We got his school supply list, too. I had seen it online, so we have already bought his backpack (a rolling Go Diego Go backpack), but we still need to get him markers and a few other things. I can't believe my little boy is going to go off two days a week with a backpack!

Monday, July 27, 2009


I'm trying to cut back on the amount of TV that Will watches, which is hard to do in AZ in the summer since it's really too hot to go outside. John just installed misters on our patio for a BBQ we hosted over the weekend, so having those on makes it somewhat tolerable outside. I've been attempting to come up with ideas of things we can do in the afternoon in that "witching hour" between when naptime ends and when John gets home (which is really more like 2.5 or 3 hours). Somehow a rather large rock ended up in our backyard recently. Will found it and started calling it Rocky. Today I had the idea to paint Rocky. He loves to paint, and I used to love painting rocks when I was little, so we went for it. He had a great time!!

Captain Underpants and the Little General

We had our friends the Bowmans over for dinner on Sunday night. Their son, Connor, is one of Will's best friends. Those boys have a great time playing together. After dinner John turned on the misters on our patio so they could play outside. They ended up drinking water from the misters and both got soaked, so Will stripped down to his underwear. Connor, meanwhile, was donning Will's Army General helmet the whole time. We were cracking up watching them!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Miles is crawling!!

Miles has officially become a mobile baby. He'd been getting around via scooting and rolling for awhile now, but Monday he started crawling for real. Now he is a baby on the go! He wants nothing to do with sitting still, he wants to be moving!

We have video of him crawling, but it was literally taking HOURS to upload, so I'll have to take a shorter one and post. He's getting really fast!!

More swim lessons

If you think I'm bad about uploading pictures from our camera to the computer, I'm even worse about uploading our video camera. The last time I had done it was April. Yikes. And then when I did it I had months and months of video on there. But, now since I have them uploaded I figured I'd post some. I remembered to take the video camera today to Will's swim lesson. Of course they didn't swim across the pool like they did yesterday, but they did jump in and then turn around and swim for the wall all by themselves. He's taking Level One lessons again, but there are only two other kids in the class--his friend Connor who is also repeating it and another boy who is taking it for the first time but catching on really fast--so they're moving along a lot faster this time.

Oops...that was Miles hanging out in his stroller during swim lessons. Here's Will swimming...for real this time!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Snake Show

Our library has special events on Wednesday afternoons in the summer where they bring in some kind of show or entertainment for the kids. It falls during naptime, so we've only gone to one, a Reptile Experience. It was pretty cool, and a lot of Will's friends were there with us. The guy had all sorts of lizards and snakes he brought out and showed the kids, and at the very end they got to touch an anaconda! Very cool!

Miles and his buddy Grady:

Will and his friend Josh touching the snake:

Swim Lessons

I have no idea how I always get so far behind on updating our blog. I was looking at the links for our friends' blogs last night and realized I hadn't updated since the end of June! Oops.

Will is now on his second set of swim lessons for the summer, but these pictures are from his first session a few weeks ago. It was kind of a challenge, he spent the first couple days crying, which was weird because this is the third summer he's taken swim lessons from this instructor, plus he does basic stuff like putting his face in the water and floating on his back all the time. Who knows. At the end of the session he jumped in and swam across the pool which was pretty neat. So far this session is going better, although yesterday was the first day. But there was no crying, and he did everything Miss Erin asked.

Will waiting to jump in the pool:

Swimming across the pool: