Monday, February 15, 2010

Fiesta Bowl Parade

For the first time ever we went to the Fiesta Bowl Parade. Will was excited because we got to ride "the train" which is really the light rail system in downtown Phoenix. We found a decent spot to watch the parade--I couldn't believe how many people were there! We didn't stay for the whole thing because the boys were getting hungry and tired, but what we saw was cool. John's frustration with parades here is the lack of marching bands. This one had more than other parades we've been to, but there still weren't a lot. I keep telling him he can't expect Mardi Gras caliber parades in a city like Phoenix.

Will said, "Look, it's Baby Jesus!"

Apparently there's a group in Phoenix that dresses up like Star Wars characters for fun. This was definitely the coolest part of the parade that we saw!

Train Park

I guess at least it hasn't been a month since I last updated. That's something, right? Never mind that these pictures I'm about to post were from New Year's Eve. I had planned on posting them last time I updated, but I ran out of time.

John had to work on New Year's Day, so I had planned on taking the kids to Noon Year's Eve at the zoo, and my mom was going to come with us. She came to our house then we drove to the zoo. Madhouse doesn't even begin to describe it. We parked--the furthest away I've ever parked at the zoo--got out the stroller, walked up to the entrance and saw that the line was literally out the proverbial door. There really isn't a door to the zoo, but there is a bridge you walk across to get there, and the line went all the way across that. NUTS!!! Will was really sad, but Gaga and I did not have it in us to fight a crowd like that to play in a little snow and have a pretend toast at noon. So we went to the train park instead, which is one of Will's most favorite places. It was still decorated for Christmas which was neat to see. Next year instead of going to the Polar Express we're just going to the train park!

Waiting in line for the train and Miles in his cute outfit from Aunt Tracie and Uncle Ed:

Playing at the playground after riding the train