Friday, October 31, 2008

Trunk or Treat

Last weekend our church had its annual Trunk or Treat party. There were bounce houses, carnival games, and several church members decorated the trunks/backs of their cars and handed out candy to the kids. We had gone last year, but this year Will was way more in to it. A lot of our friends were there, too, which made it even more fun.

Will in his costume before we left the house:


Getting candy from our friend JoEllen:

Playing in the bounce house with his friends:

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

Today is mine and John's fifth anniversary. I can't believe it's been five years already. We aren't really doing anything to celebrate. We had originally talked about going on a big trip--possibly back to where we went on our honeymoon--but then I went and got pregnant. ;) We did go out to dinner last Saturday night to celebrate, and tonight we'll have a nice dinner after Will goes to bed and then watch our wedding video.

Frankly our wedding was the best one I've ever been to, but I imagine most people say that. :) We got married at Red Mountain Ranch Country Club in Mesa on the golf course at sunset. It was beautiful. The reception was so much fun, too. At one point there were about 15 people at the bar doing vodka shots. :) Would you expect anything different at OUR wedding? ;)

I thought I had a bunch of our wedding pictures scanned, but I can't find them on the computer anywhere, so these will have to do:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Chocolate Zucchini Bread

I uploaded these pictures last week but never got around to posting them here. One of the vegetables we picked on our trip to the pumpkin patch was zucchini. I hate zucchini. My mom always got an abundance of it in the summer when I was growing up and put it in EVERYTHIING. I have never liked it except in zucchini bread. My sister-in-law, Lori, lives in Modesto, CA, and she gets chocolate zucchini bread from the farmers market there. It's fantastic stuff. So, I had this zucchini to use and figured I'd see if I could find a chocolate zucchini bread recipe. once again came through for me! I found a recipe that sounded good, and I had everything on hand for it. So one day last week after Will's nap, we made chocolate zucchini bread!

Will and the zucchini

Helping mommy stir (please excuse the messy counter)

"I not eating, mommy, I just smelling."

Baby Update

Just thought I'd give a quick baby update. As of yesterday I was 35 weeks which means roughly five weeks until Lando will be here! It's gone by amazingly fast. I'm frantically trying to get everything done and ready for his arrival. Will's excited for his baby brother and loves to hang out in baby's room. Every time we're at a store he asks if he can buy something for baby brother...but somehow the things all end up being for him, either going in his room or the toy room. :)

Baby's room is almost done, I just need to hang some stuff up on the walls and then I'll post pictures of it. I'm pretty pleased with how it's turned out. It's been fun going through Will's old clothes and sorting out what we can use and what won't work this time. I can't believe how tiny the clothes are! Tomorrow morning is my baby shower, which I'm really looking forward to. I have fantastic friends that offered to host it for me, and I can't wait to see what they've planned.

My friend Joanne--one of my many pregnant friends--found a website that equates fetal size to fruits or vegetables. I checked what Lando's equivalent to and laughed. Joanne's little baby girl (Jo, Lando's future wife, perhaps????? At least we know they wouldn't have crazy inlaws!) is the size of a mango, and she's 19 weeks. Here's what the website had to say about Baby Knightly:

Month 8
Average Fetus: 17.2 to 18.7 inches long, 4.2 to 5.8 pounds

Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month.

Pretty interesting! I had an OB visit today, and the doctor said baby's measuring right on track and his heartbeat sounded good. He's already head down, so that's great news.

I took some more side view belly shots a couple days ago. I feel bad that I haven't done that as often this time as I did when I was pregnant with Will. Second child syndrome starts in the womb I guess. :)

By the way, we have decided on a name!! A first name anyway...John's still insisting that Danger be his middle name since he's not getting Lando as the first name, but I refuse to cave!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

On Monday we went to Tolmachoff Farms with MOMS Club for some pre-Halloween festivities. The kids got to ride a train, pick vegetables from a vegetable patch, go in a corn maze, and pick out pumpkins. Oh yeah...and we got ice cream. It was a really fun day and most of Will's friends were there too. Will was really excited to pick his pumpkin.

Waiting to ride the train

Ready for a train ride!

Will and the cucumber he picked

Looking at the turkeys...gobble gobble!

Enjoying his ice cream

Will playing in the corn

Grinding corn to feed the chickens