Saturday, March 14, 2009

Babies, Babies Everywhere!!!

I just have to say CONGRATULATIONS to my friends Jen A. and Joanne on the births of their babies!! Jen's son Cole was born Thursday night, and Joanne's daughter Catalina was born early Friday morning. Hooray for new babies!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Miles' New "Shoes"

We went shopping with Gaga on my birthday, and along with getting Will some cool new shoes, we saw these socks for Miles and had to get them. I had never seen ones like this before--just girl socks that looked like Mary Janes. They're so freakin' cute!!

(It's really hard to take a picture of a baby's feet!)

Here's a picture of the socks from the website of the manufacturer:


Whenever Miles is in his Boppy play thing, Will likes to lay next to him. It's pretty cute. Miles loves watching Will and just turns his head and stares and smiles at his big brother.

Smiling Flying Baby

Miles absolutely loves it when anyone holds him up in the air above them, like he's flying. He gets the biggest smiles on his face! I grabbed the camera when John was playing "Flying Baby" recently.

Will's Birthday Extravaganza Part 3

And finally to wrap up Will's birthday celebration weekend, we had his family party that Sunday at my aunt and uncle's house. Uncle Don made mixed grill (chicken, steak, salmon, sausage, veggies...yum!) which was awesome. And Will got even more presents. Our house looks like a toy tornado whipped through it. Everyone was very generous to him.

Playing with bubbles:

Opening presents:

A bean bag chair from Gaga and Baba!

Will's Birthday Extravaganza Part 2

Yeah, yeah, I know it's been forever since I've updated, and I left off in the middle of Will's birthday extravaganza. I'll finish that up and then do some posts with some more recent happenings.

We had Will's party the day after his birthday with a whopping 32 people (kids and adults) at our house. Thankfully it was a gorgeous day, so we had the whole party outside. We rented a bounce house (Spiderman...Will's new favorite thing, even though I don't think he really has any idea who Spiderman is), and the kids all had a great time jumping in it. We all took naps after the party and then Will spent the rest of the day jumping in the bounce house. He told me at one point when I was out in it with him, "Your turn is done, Mommy. I want to bounce with Doo now." :)