Saturday, April 25, 2009

Will's New Car Seat

Will was just about too big for his convertible car seat, so I ordered him a new "big boy" car seat and it was delivered earlier this week. He loves it, and he looks so big sitting in it!

By the way, kids should stay in a harness car seat for as long as possible. This new one we got Will can harness up to 65 pounds! Also, the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recently came out and said that kids should stay rear-facing in their car seats until they are two years old. Really it's best to keep them rear-facing until they reach the rear-facing weight limit, which in a lot of car seats is 35 pounds. I wish I wouldn't have turned Will forward facing when he turned one, but I didn't know as much then as I do now. Miles will definitely stay forward facing until he reaches the seat's weight limit.

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