Thursday, July 23, 2009

More swim lessons

If you think I'm bad about uploading pictures from our camera to the computer, I'm even worse about uploading our video camera. The last time I had done it was April. Yikes. And then when I did it I had months and months of video on there. But, now since I have them uploaded I figured I'd post some. I remembered to take the video camera today to Will's swim lesson. Of course they didn't swim across the pool like they did yesterday, but they did jump in and then turn around and swim for the wall all by themselves. He's taking Level One lessons again, but there are only two other kids in the class--his friend Connor who is also repeating it and another boy who is taking it for the first time but catching on really fast--so they're moving along a lot faster this time.

Oops...that was Miles hanging out in his stroller during swim lessons. Here's Will swimming...for real this time!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I'm so impressed with his swimming! Good work!