Thursday, August 20, 2009

And so begins Will's trip down the education path...

I can't believe that my baby started preschool last week! I just don't know how it's possible that he's old enough for that already. Although, today is his half birthday so he is officially 3-1/2 today! He was pretty excited about preschool, even though it's a different school than all of his friends are attending. I'm excited about it because it's part of a bigger private school, so he'll get to do cool things like computer time, field trips, music, etc. And it's a Christian school so Bible curriculum is worked in every day as well. He goes on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 to 11:00. It works out great because the school is on John's way to work, so he drops Will off in the morning which gives me some alone time with Miles--and I don't have to get out of the house with both kids by 8:00!

So far he really likes it, although today is only his third day. He doesn't tell me a lot about what happens when I ask, but then throughout the day he'll tell me little things here and there that they did or learned about. We asked him if they'd read the Bible at all the first day and he said no, but then later we were talking about when God created the world, and he piped in, "And then He rested." It was really cute. The letter home last week from his teacher--Mrs. Rogers--said that they'd be learning about the letters A and B, the numbers 1 and 2, and Creation.

Here are some pics of my big boy on his first day of school!!

The cake I made for Will's first ever day of school:

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