Sunday, January 17, 2010

Snow in Arizona!

We're still trying to come up with a Christmas Eve tradition for our family. Pre-kids (well, even before Miles) we'd go to my aunt's for dinner and church if there was a Christmas Eve service. Last year John's parents were here for Christmas, so we went to Christmas Eve church at our church and that was about it. Plus Miles was just barely a month old. We struggled with what to do this year--did we go to my aunt's for dinner (my uncle grills a mean prime rib...), did we do something here for dinner and go to church then just hang out, go to Zoo Lights again. We came up with the plan of going to early Christmas Eve church, then out to dinner, then to a somewhat nearby shopping center because they had "snow" every night at 7:00 through Christmas Eve. yeah...turns out most restaurants aren't open for dinner on Christmas Eve. So John ended up going and getting us Chinese take-out in the afternoon, we went to church at 4:00, then came home and had our dinner, then headed to Tempe Marketplace for the snow.

I tell year we are going out there for that the first day they have it!! I had been in kind of a bah humbug mood for Christmas, but seeing all the decorations and "snow" really made it hit home that it was Christmas. I've lived in AZ for 10 years now and it's still weird to me that it can be 70 degrees on Christmas.

Will had a great time, although we quickly learned not to eat the "snow" because it was really more of a soap mixture than anything. Miles was pretty intrigued by it all. I'm so glad we went!!

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